Our Curriculum

Competence Based Curriculum-CBC

Logos Christian School -Primary school Grades 1 to 6 and Junior school Grades 7 to 9 offer the CBC curriculum. CBC offers many advantages which include;

Logos Christian School -Primary school Grades 1 to 6 and Junior school Grades 7 to 9 offer the CBC curriculum. CBC offers many advantages which include;

What is a Competency-based curriculum? It is a student-centered method that places less emphasis on memorization of material and more on mastering particular skills and knowledge. It is a potent learning model that gives students the freedom to study at their own pace and show that they have mastered the necessary skills.

CBC as envisaged by the authors has numerous advantages to the learners which include; Learner learns more. Individualization, Enhances Students’ engagement and encourages collaboration among the learners. It prepares Students for Future learning pathways. CBC is flexible effective evaluation, increased Cost Effectiveness, and Efficiency. Finally, CBC

Support for lifelong Learning.

Logos Christian achieve these advantages through a variety of exciting child-engaging practical approach to teaching

 Technology- Logos Christian School is committed to bringing up next-generation ethical and God-fearing technological gurus. Young Engineers club, Robotics classes and ICT lessons lay a firm foundation for our children from a young age. For years we have introduced technology to the children. This not only makes learning exciting but also helps build problem-solving skills in the young minds


Co-Curriculum Activities


One of the most exciting sports that builds children’s confidence, perseverance, and focus. It also teaches determination, builds self-esteem, and more. The skills young children learn in skating are skills for life. Skating builds endurance, helps develop muscle mass, and ensures that children stay healthy and fit while teaching them to value physical activity.

Barley Dancing

It is well known that dancing has a positive impact on physical and mental health: it’s a fun activity, it encourages physical movement and artistic expression and connects people to build muscles and strengthen their bones, increase flexibility, and maintain cardiovascular health.

Dance Club

Dancing has a positive impact on children’s mental and emotional health, which is increasingly important with our often busy and stressful modern lifestyles. The combination of exercise and having fun releases those feel-good endorphins, which lift your child’s mood and make for peaceful family time


Swimming keeps your child’s heart and lungs healthy, improves strength and flexibility, increases stamina, and even improves balance and posture. Swimming provides challenges and rewards accomplishments, which helps children to become self-confident and believe in their abilities your child will have plenty of opportunities to make friends and grow in confidence

Apply for Admission Here

Our admission application process for Kindergarten, Junior Secondary, and Primary levels is designed to be comprehensive and user-friendly, ensuring that parents and guardians can easily navigate the requirements and provide all necessary information for a smooth enrollment experience. We prioritize a fair and transparent evaluation process to select students who will thrive in our educational environment and contribute positively to our school community.